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thrifty in kalgoorlie

[above] honestly, i'm excited to try this. everyone else has been saying bad things.

[above] $6.50 men's shirt. it reminded me of art in primary school, when i took dad's shirt to wear as an 'art shirt'

[above] $6.50 Ralph Lauren, super large men's shirt i'll be making into a dress. i love the pajamas look, and the fact that they were menswear.

[above] gold

[above] $3.50 women's shirt, i've already taken the shoulder pads out. i couldn't walk past the lovely embroidery details.

[above] $2.50 sheer top

i love all my purchases from the op shops here in Kalgoorlie...
i find that i'm more attracted to the menswear section..... word.

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KB said...

so cheap!! lucky!!

luvieur said...

Whoops!! Didnt see this msg! Haha I know, so good!

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